Crispy Orange Beef Recipe

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Recipe by:

"A delicious crispy also sweet, yet mildly spiced beef stir-fry recipe. Great served with steamed rice also broccoli."

Original directions yields 6 servings


  1. Lay beef strips out within a single layer on a baking sheet wrinkled with news towels. Allow to dry within the fridge for 30 minutes. In a small bowl, mix together the sugar, rice vinegar, orange extract concentrate, salt also soy sauce. Set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, combine rice also water within a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium-low also simmer for 20 minutes, or until rice is tender. Add more water at the end assuming necessary.
  3. Heat grease within a wok above medium-high heat. Toss dried beef within cornstarch to coat. Fry within the hot grease within small batches until crispy also golden brown; set aside. Drain all about the grease from the wok but for about 1 tablespoon.
  4. Add orange zest, ginger also garlic to the surviving oil, also cook briefly until fragrant. Add the soy dip mixture to the wok, bring to a boil, also cook until thick also syrupy, about 5 minutes. Add beef, also heat through, dramatic to coat. Serve immediately above steamed rice, also garnish with broccoli.

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I thinking this was very good. but to the others out there criticizing recipes on this site, cant criticize accurately assuming you change the original recipe. makes certainly not sense to state its bad or wasnt ...

This was good. I used pre-cubed beef from the grocery to save time. Doubled the dip to compensate for lots about veggies we were adding. Used 1/3 mug fresh OJ also a not many TB about marmalade instead...

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I thinking this was very good. but to the others out there criticizing recipes on this site, cant criticize accurately assuming you change the original recipe. makes certainly not sense to state its bad or wasnt ...

The dip gets 10 stars! Double it! It is amazing, recently like the local grip out place, even better because I know the standing about the ingredients. I own made this directions when is, BUT I regularly redu...

Sauce is what makes it great. Like others, we altered it by: using 1/3 mug orange extract instead about concentrate *and* stirfrying batches with one 1 Tbs about peanut grease each time. Cuts down on ca...

I'd own to state that this was the closest you could get to 'authentic' Chinese café food. I followed the suggestion about others also reduced the sugar through half, doubled the dip also left the ...

I made this plate for my mom's birthday also it was a hit. I made a not many changes that were simple also easy. In my wok I cooked a medley about icy veggies, fresh onion, garlic, ginger, also bean spo...

Turned out fantastic. I did when others suggested also doubled the dip while clipping the sugar within half. I also omitted the orange peel when it certainly didn't need it. Next while I determination reduce the vin...

This is a very excellent recipe. The first while I felt the beef was very bland, but once it was extra to the orange dip it was perfect. The following while I fried the beef with flour instead about corn...

I extra one 1 TBS about ginger, also this was delicous! My husband enjoyed it too. As other's own noted, clipping back on the ginger keeps it from overpowering the meat. I can't wait to make thi...

This directions got mixed reviews within my household when well. My fiance loved it, but I one thinking it was pretty good. I didn't like the cornstarch-coated fried beef at ALL, thus instead I mixed 1 t...

that's details aboutCrispy Orange Beef Recipe I hope this article useful thank you

This article is posted on labelrecipe template, recipe young living, , the date 04-10-2019, quoted from GOOGLE Searcing

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