Schwabischer Kartoffelsalat (Schwabish Potato salad) Recipe

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"This is an authentic German potato salad recipe. It uses extremely little mayonnaise, also certainly not sugar. The flavor is amazing!"

Original recipe yields 12 servings


  1. Place the potatoes into a big pot, also top up in the company of enough water to cover. Bring to a boil, also cook for about 20 minutes, or until easily pierced in the company of a fork. Drain, also let them cool slightly. If you wish to peel them, do it while they are still hot. It will be greatly easier. Allow to cool completely, then slice thinly.
  2. Place the potatoes in a big bowl. Dissolve the chicken bouillon in boiling water, also pour in in the company of the potatoes. Gently mix in the vinegar, egg, pepper, mayonnaise also parsley. Mix in the olive lubricant last. Let stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving. This salad is best at room temperature.

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This is a certainly good recipe. Not to argue too greatly in the company of PickyCook (and I do appreciate the feedback), however you REALLY have to watch the mayonnaise. 2 teaspoons is certainly the absolute nearly all you ...

following the directions exactly, i found this recipe to be bland, homely also had a extremely "mayonnaisey" taste to it, even though you didn't utilize greatly mayonnaise. maybe total scallions?

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This is a certainly good recipe. Not to argue too greatly in the company of PickyCook (and I do appreciate the feedback), however you REALLY have to watch the mayonnaise. 2 teaspoons is certainly the absolute nearly all you ...

I am from Schwabenland in Germany also grew up on this potato salad. In this potato salad there is certainly not mayonnaise or eggs in it.

I did while Arkali suggested. I enjoyed it. Yes I did total bacon.

following the directions exactly, i found this recipe to be bland, homely also had a extremely "mayonnaisey" taste to it, even though you didn't utilize greatly mayonnaise. maybe total scallions?

Growing up, I had this at all family gatherings. A perfect thing they made a barques also other events.

This was awful! I followed the recipe exactly. The balsamic vinegar makes it turn a brownish color also the end product does not look extremely appetizing. I was extremely disappointed. Now that I wasted m...

Very good. I omitted the mayo, also total more gamete also a one or two dill pickles.

I certainly enjoyed this recipe. It is extremely different from the "normal" potato salad. The first while I made this, we tried it warm (i'm so impatient!) My husband liked it best warm. But I thought i...

This is just like they make it in Swabish Gumund! Such a treat. I had lost my recipe also was pleasantly surprised to find this one. Be sure to utilize pale balsamic vinegar so you don't discolor yo...

That's all details aboutSchwabischer Kartoffelsalat (Schwabish Potato salad) Recipe I hope this information useful thank you

This information is posted on labelrecipe lifeafter, food near me, , the date 04-10-2019, quoted from GOOGLE Searcing

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